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The marketing and advertising landscape has changed tremendously over the years. Content is now consumed at a super-fast speed. This puts pressure on content creators/advertisers to churn out more content within restricted deadlines. At the same time, quality cannot be compromised. So reduced budgets and other constraints mean reduced creativity?

niched image collection
For instance, you’ve spent hours visualizing the perfect campaign and perfect post, your storyboard is ready too but deciding what visual elements to use is a tough one. Costs to physically shoot are too high( given the current economic scenario). Getting a production crew together and traveling is another nightmare and generic stock photography does not cut it. The answer is Niched Image Collections.

The Domeble collection has the highest resolution backplates (landscapes) and 360 Degree HDRIs (High Dynamic Range Imaging) with the highest pixel count. These pre-shot images, in conjunction with the sophistication of today’s CGI artists, meaning you can create absolutely any visual treatment you want for your brand. With 1000s of locations to choose from a perfect solution for companies who have to work on reduced budgets and adhere to other restrictions.

We recently did a case study and cost a 3-day shoot, that would deliver content assets to create 3 images and the cost was in the region of $80k with photographers, permits, producers, crew, travel, hotels, subsistence, etc. Using niched image collection like at Domeble with a composite license the cost costs $18k. That’s saving $62k already.

Another advantage of working with Domeble is that we offer a free image search service, so just send us your brief and we’ll put a lightbox together for you, fast-tracking the whole production process.

So what are you waiting for?

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