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What does it take to be creatively motivated or inspired constantly? Simply put, it requires hard work! But it is also essential to understand the relationship between motivation and creativity. Creativity is a way of thinking and is dependent mainly on motivation. Creative thought is driven by some motivation, whether we are consciously aware of that motivation or not. Given what we have been through in the past couple of years, it’s very easy and almost natural to lose your creative motivation. But time waits for no one and when there’s a deadline looming, you have no choice but to pull something out of the bag.  Here are a few ways to keep your creative juices flowing.

Scribble Ideas whenever they arrive.

Creative minds are never tidy. Great ideas can dawn upon you from anywhere and everywhere. Whether it’s while watching a film, listening to music or a podcast, or doing any mundane chore make a note of it as soon as it occurs!

Stop Thinking

You cannot force yourself to produce an idea on demand. Sometimes all you need is a distraction to break the creative block. Eureka moments can occur even during relaxation.

Link Creative Processes

Expertise in an area does not mean that you know everything and that others cannot have valuable ideas. Maybe rope in some colleagues and brainstorm together with your team. You never know when a bad idea will spark a good one elsewhere.


Do not give up, have a go!

The creative process is iterative. You have to allow yourself to fail and learn from your mistakes. Take an idea, any idea, and play with it – see if you can bring it to life.

Experience something new

New experiences change us in subtle ways and they unleash our thought process to explore new things. Travel broadens the mind, as does visiting a museum, playing a video game, or visiting a gallery or exhibition. You do have to expose yourself to these things to break the routine.

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